FREE Printable Valentine’s Day Number Mats

FREE Printable Valentine's Day Number Mats {1-10}

These brand new Valentine’s Day 1-10 Number Mats take a Valentine’s Day twist on numbers. It’s a fun way to help kids practice writing and counting the numbers one to ten. Grab your free copy below!

FREE Printable Valentine's Day Number Mats {1-10}

Printable Valentine’s Day Number Mats Prep:

Prepping this activity is extremely easy. Print the number book {use card stock to make it extra sturdy}. Then either laminate the pages, throw them into a sleeve, or even use a photo album {dollar general typically has ones that work great for cheap}!

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FREE Conversation Hearts Pattern Math Worksheets for Preschool

FREE Conversation Hearts Pattern Math Worksheets for Preschool

There are so many learning activities you can do with those little candy hearts that you see everywhere this time of year. Since Meatball is currently working on his pattern recognition I decided to make up some simple Conversation Hearts Pattern Worksheets for him to play around with.

FREE Conversation Hearts Pattern Math Worksheets for Preschool

These free printables are a fun way to work on your child’s basic math skills while building some of those fine motor muscles!

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The Gender Battle: Letting Toys be Toys

The Gender Battle: Letting Toys be Toys

Every now and then toys seem to become the hot topic of debate. Boy toys. Girl toys. Gender neutral toys…why is it that it isn’t ok for toys to just be toys? I remember when Livia was born the hot debate of the year (besides vaccinations) was letting boys play with dolls, dress-up, make-up…anything that … Read more