Goodnight, Goodnight, Construction Site Lavender Sensory Bin

Goodnight, Goodnight, Construction Site Lavender Sensory Bin

Rocks, “dirt”, and wheels! All things my little man dreams of. Lately in this house Goodnight, Goodnight, Construction Site by.Sherri Duskey Rinker has been a favorite. I have lost count of how many times it has been read. It is such a fun book for all those big truck lovin’ kids out there! This Goodnight, Goodnight, Construction Site Lavender Sensory Bin was created out of my sons love for this book. Now we can read, play, and begin to wind down before nap time (instead of fighting over no trucks to bed)…

Goodnight, Goodnight, Construction Site Lavender Sensory Bin

While this is a pretty basic rice sensory bin, we did do one thing to make it extra special. Here’s a hint- absolutely no rubbing alcohol or vinegar was used to dye the rice…and it smells wonderful!

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Bug Bin: A Simple Slimy Sensory Bin

Bug Bin! A Simple Slimy Sensory Bin

My kids have always had a certain fascination with bugs while I myself am not a huge insect person. Certain things such as raising butterflies are a lot of fun, but up close interactions with bugs beyond that is just not something I can handle without my skin crawling. This Insect Sensory Bin was a fun way for us to explore the fascination of slimy creepy crawlers without me actually having to handle live bugs. A happy middle ground for us!

Bug Bin! A Simple Slimy Sensory Bin

Sensory Bins are one of my kids favorite activities, and quite honestly I love them too. They are simple to throw together and can usually entertain kids for quite some time. They are also a fantastic tool for imaginative play, fine motor, and language development. Activities such as this insect sensory bin are extremely open ended and easy to modify to your child’s developmental level and needs.

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Letter of the Week: D is for Duck

Letter of the Week D is for Duck

D Is For Duck Craft: Lately we have been working our way through our letter of the week crafts. While I am not personally a fan of focusing on one letter for an entire week, these simple crafts are a ton of fun for getting kids exploring letters.

Letter of the Week: D is for Duck

Is your word wall starting to take form? Yay! Are you ready for this weeks letter of the week? This week we are going to be learning about the letter D. Quack, quack. Let me ask you, do you have memories of going to the park with your parents and feeding the ducks bread? I recall many memories of watching others feed the ducks when we’d go swimming at the local river.

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Letter of the Week: C is for Cat


C is for Cat Craft: Lately we have been working our way through our letter of the week crafts. While I am not personally a fan of focusing on one letter for an entire week, these simple crafts are a ton of fun for getting kids exploring letters.


Your child is going to love learning about the letter C while creating an awesome cat. Remember, encourage your child to be as creative as they’d like while learning about the letter C. You don’t have to use all that I did, or anything that I am using. Appeal to your child’s wants and desires. The C can be transformed to a princess cat, and be made from lace, or your child’s cat can turn into a superhero with a cape made of leather dark plastic. The possibilities are endless! Now, who said learning won’t be fun?

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Handwriting Practice Made Fun and Easy!

Handwriting Practice Made Fun and Easy

For many kids handwriting can be a daunting task. It doesn’t help that writing can have a reputation of being tedious and boring. Handwriting doesn’t have to be that way though. Here are some ways to make handwriting practice fun and playful to help your child fall in love with writing!

Handwriting Practice Made Fun and Easy

With the availability of technology I have heard countless times that handwriting is a thing of the past; that teaching children cursive is not necessary. To this I strongly disagree. There is a magic in paper and pencil that our children should be allowed to explore. A level of creativity that a keyboard can not pass along. Handwriting is so much more than just printing symbols, it is about creating.

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