Easy Shark Craft for Kids

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Shark week – my kids love it! This last week during Shark Week we made this super cute and easy shark craft.

Easy Shark Craft for Kids

Every now and then the argument of product vs. process art comes up, and this shark craft is a great example of how a child can still learn while creating a product piece.

Even with a product art project the opportunities of what you can teach while creating it with your child are endless.

While we did this shark craft we explored mixed media (working with different objects). We learned about found object art, worked on fine motor skills, practiced following directions, and experimented with how to derive shapes from a whole object.

We had a lot of fun with this shark craft and hope y’all do too!

Easy Shark Craft for Kids


  • Cardstock or Construction Paper
  • Scrapbook Paper
  • Seashells
  • Small Rocks
  • Scissors
  • Glue
  • Black Marker


1. Draw the shape of a shark onto dark gray card-stock or construction paper.

2. Cut light gray shapes for the belly. Glue the pieces together.

3.Cut a mouth from red card-stock and teeth from white card-stock. Glue together and then glue onto the shark.

4. Cut a large white circle and a small black circle, glue together and then glue onto the shark.

5. Use a black marker to add gills to the shark.

6. Glue the shark onto card-stock or scrapbook paper.

7. Cut “sand” from yellow card-stock and glue at the bottom.

8. Glue seashells and small rocks onto the “sandy” area.

9. Cut seaweed from card-stock and glue in place.

Your mixed media shark craft is finished!

Tip: If your child is not confident in their ability to free hand draw a shark break the body of the shark into shapes and then piece it together like a puzzle. This is a great way to learn how to identify what shapes compose an object while exploring the basics of sketching!

Not making this easy shark craft right this second? Then pin this post so you can easily find it later!

Easy Shark Craft for Kids

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