2D Shapes Playdough Mats

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Need a fun activity to introduce shapes to your little learner? These 2D shape mats make learning fun by incorporating playdough into the lesson. Toddlers and preschoolers won’t know they are actually learning basic math concepts and using fine motor muscles with these!

These shape mats are also a great addition to math centers for kindergartners, since reintroducing the same concepts is essential for learning. You can use your creativity and add them to other activities for a more rounded math lesson!

Task Card Sized Shapes Play Dough Mats

This set of playdough mats reinforce shape recognition in several ways. For one, you have the large playdough representation of each shape. Your kids will have lots of fun rolling and molding their playdough to make the shapes on the cards.

There are also real world pictures on each card. This shows your children where they might find these shapes in their own home or classroom. Moms can have their children go on a “shape hunt” while playing with these cards.

A second set of shape cards are included with the shape name at the bottom to trace. If you’ve laminated the cards, they can use dry erase markers to trace the name of the shape.

How Do You Teach 2D Shapes to Learners?

2D shape recognition is one of the most basic skills you can teach your children at home…long before they start school. You can use a chalkboard to draw the shapes and name each one. You can also point them out in the real world. Show your kids that a STOP sign is an octagon and that a door is a rectangle.

You can also read shape books for kids to foster their learning of 2D shapes. Fun stories are a great way to drive home basic concepts you little learners need to grasp. Have them locate the different shapes throughout the book. We also like to use our adapted I Spy shapes book for kids which supports the learning of shapes and their names while also working with eye-hand coordination.

What Do Kids Learn While Using This Shapes Playdough Pack?

At their most basic use, young children can learn what each shape looks like. They can use the playdough to make the shapes and support their fine motor skills. Pompoms or mini erasers can also be laid out to make the shapes if you prefer not to use playdough.

They will also be able to trace the shape name, which furthers spelling and letter recognition. It also helps with them learning how to properly grip a writing instrument.

How Do You Use Playdough in Math?

Playdough can be used in a number of math activities. With these cards, you can have your children count the number of times they need to roll a playdough snake to create each side of the shape.

This works great alongside our 0-10 Playdough Number Mats to support counting skills. Also, have them count each shape’s sides, as that is one of the ways you can tell shapes apart!

You may also let them create a monster or person using the shapes they have learned from the cards.

Addition and subtraction can also be done with playdough. Have your child start by rolling out a certain number of shapes, perhaps in different playdough colors. You can then give simple word problems (ex. “You give me 2 blue playdough circles. Then you give me 3 red playdough circles. How many circles do I have in all?“)

Materials Needed for the Playdough Shapes Mats

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Need to make playdough to use with these shape printables? Find our two favorite playdough recipes below!

What’s Included in These 2D Shape Playdough Mats

This set of 2D Shape Playdough mats includes 2 sets of task sized cards. One has the shape, its name, and a few examples of where to find the shape in the real world. The second set has the shape and its name that your child can trace.

The 2D Shapes Included in Printable Packet are:

  • Circle
  • Star
  • Octagon
  • Crescent
  • Heart
  • Pentagon
  • Hexagon
  • Rhombus/Diamond
  • Square
  • Rectangle
  • Trapezoid
  • Oval
  • Triangle

Looking for more playdough mats? Find all the play dough mats we have shared on site here.

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