DIY Earth Day Seed Bombs for Kids

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Ready to get your hands dirty and do some gardening with your kids? Then look no further than the magical world these DIY Earth Day Seed Bombs for Kids!

These little balls of wonder are like mini-planting machines, perfect for unleashing a wave of color and life into any outdoor space. Plus, they’re a total blast to make with kids of all ages – it’s like arts and crafts meets guerrilla gardening, all in the name of Earth Day! So put on your gardening gloves, grab your construction paper scraps and some seeds, and get ready to launch your very own seed bomb brigade!

How to Use Seed Bombs as a Hands-On Learning Activity for Kids

Gardening is a fantastic way to teach kids about nature, science, and sustainability. But let’s be real – it can be tough to get kids excited about gardening. That’s where seed bombs come in! They’re a fun and easy way to get kids interested in gardening, while also teaching them valuable skills and concepts.

So how exactly can you use seed bombs as a hands-on learning activity for kids? Here are some ideas:

Teach science concepts: Seed bombs are a great way to teach kids about plant life cycles, photosynthesis, and the importance of pollinators. Have them observe the growth of their seed bombs over time, and discuss how plants need sunlight, water, and nutrients to grow. Pair this activity with this How Seeds & Plants Grow Lapbook for 2nd – 6th grades to dive deeper into the scientific concepts!

Encourage creativity: Seed bombs are a blank canvas for kids to express their creativity. Have them draw or paint designs on their seed bombs before planting, or challenge them to create their own custom seed bomb recipes using different types of seeds and natural materials.

Promote outdoor play: Seed bombs are a great excuse to get kids outside and exploring nature. Take a walk around your neighborhood or local park, and have your kids toss their seed bombs in empty patches of soil. Then, watch as the magic of nature takes over!

How to Make DIY Seed Bombs for Earth Day Using Recycled Materials

Making seed bombs is a great way to reuse old scraps of paper and reduce waste. Plus, it’s a super fun activity to do with kids! Here’s how to make your own Earth Day seed bombs using recycled materials:


  • Construction paper scraps (green, blue, and white)
  • Pollinator seeds (such as wildflowers, sunflowers, or herbs)
  • Water
  • Bowl
  • Egg carton


  1. Cut or shred your paper. You can rip it with your hands or use a paper shredder if needed. Make sure the pieces are small rectangular strips.
  2. Add shredded paper to each bowl and pour enough water to cover the paper.
  3. Let the paper-water mixture soak. The longer, the better!
  4. After the paper has soaked for at least 20-30 minutes, it should have a pulpy texture. Drain any excess water. If you would like to speed the wait time up you can use a blender to create the paper pulp.
  5. Add a handful of pollinator seeds to the pulp.
  6. Mix the seeds and pulp with your hands.
  7. Form your mixture into small balls. These are your Earth Day seed bombs!
  8. Let each seed bomb dry in a sunny spot in the egg carton.
  9. Plant the seed bombs in an egg carton until the outside frost passes.
  10. On a sunny day, choose a spot outside to plant your seed bombs and watch as they grow!

Ready to inspire your little ones to care for the planet and all of its inhabitants? Check out our curated list of Earth Day books for kids to continue the eco-friendly fun and learning!

DIY Earth Day Seed Bombs for Kids

Tips and Tricks for Making Seed Bombs with Kids

Making seed bombs with kids can be a messy but rewarding experience. Here are some tips and tricks to help make the process smoother and more fun:

Experiment with different shapes and sizes: Instead of just making small balls, try making seed bombs in different shapes and sizes, such as hearts, stars, or animal shapes. This can add a fun and creative element to the activity.

Use natural dyes: Don’t want to use colored construction paper? Consider using natural materials like fruits and vegetables to dye your paper scraps and give your seed bombs a pop of color. For example, matcha or spinach can create a green tint, and blueberries can create a blue tint.

Use a variety of seed types: Instead of just using one type of seed, consider using a mix of different pollinator seeds. This can create a diverse and colorful garden when the seed bombs grow. Need quick results? Check out this list of the fastest growing seeds for science projects.

Let them dry completely: After forming your seed bombs, it’s important to let them dry completely in a sunny spot before planting. This will help them hold their shape and prevent them from falling apart.

Get kids involved in planting: Once your seed bombs are ready to be planted, get your kids involved in the process! Choose a sunny spot in your garden or community garden, and let your kids toss their seed bombs in empty patches of soil. This will help them feel a sense of ownership and pride in their gardening project.

Seed Bomb FAQ: Your Questions Answered!

Ready to become a seed bomb-making pro? We know you have some burning questions about this eco-friendly activity, so let’s clear them up in this FAQ section!

Are seed bombs good for the environment?

Seed bombs can be a beneficial tool for the environment when made with appropriate materials and planted in appropriate locations. The seeds inside the bombs can grow into plants that provide habitats for pollinators, improve soil quality, and reduce erosion. Additionally, using recycled materials to make the seed bombs reduces waste and promotes sustainability. However, it’s important to ensure that the seed bombs are made with native, non-invasive plant species and planted in appropriate areas to prevent potential negative impacts on the environment.

Do seed bombs actually work?

Seed bombs can be an effective way to introduce new plant species to an area. However, the success of a seed bomb depends on several factors, including the quality of the seeds used, the planting location, and the environmental conditions (such as temperature and rainfall). Additionally, it’s important to make sure that the seed bombs are made with native plant species and planted in appropriate areas to prevent potential negative impacts on the environment.

What are some popular pollinator seeds to use when making seed bombs with kids?

When choosing your pollinator seeds, consider using popular varieties that are easy to grow and attract bees, butterflies, and other beneficial insects. Some popular options include wildflowers, sunflowers, and herbs like basil and dill.

Can you use any type of paper to make seed bombs?

While you can technically use any paper to make seed bombs, it’s best to stick to natural, biodegradable materials like construction paper, tissue paper, or newspaper. Avoid using glossy or coated paper, as these won’t break down as easily.

What types of materials can you add to seed bombs?

You can add natural materials like dried flowers, herbs, or even spices to your seed bomb mixture to give them a unique scent or texture. Just make sure that the materials you choose are safe for planting and won’t harm the environment.

How many seed bombs should I make?

The number of seed bombs you make depends on the size of the area you want to plant. As a general rule of thumb, aim for 3-5 seed bombs per square foot.

When is the best time to plant seed bombs?

It’s best to plant seed bombs in the spring or fall, when the weather is mild and there’s plenty of moisture in the soil. Be sure to check your local weather forecast and frost dates before planting.

How long does it take for seed bombs to sprout?

The time it takes for seed bombs to sprout varies depending on the type of seeds you use and environmental factors like temperature and moisture. In general, you should see sprouts within 1-3 weeks.

The Educational and Environmental Benefits of Creating Seed Bombs

Seed bombs aren’t just a fun way to get your hands dirty – they can also do some serious good! These little balls of seeds can pack a punch when it comes to supporting local ecosystems and promoting biodiversity. From supporting our buzzy little friends, the pollinators, to teaching kids about the importance of sustainability, seed bombs are a great way to make a positive impact on the environment while having fun!

They’re a great way to bring a bit of green to city spaces that might be lacking in the plant department. Whether you’re tossing them into vacant lots or planting them on your windowsill, seed bombs can help to improve air quality, reduce urban heat island effects, and even provide opportunities for urban agriculture.

But that’s not all – seed bombs can also be a fantastic tool for teaching kids about environmentalism and sustainability. By involving them in the process of making and planting seed bombs, we can help them learn about the importance of biodiversity, the role of pollinators in our food systems, and the benefits of creating green spaces in urban areas.

So next time you’re feeling the urge to get crafty, consider making some seed bombs with your little ones. You’ll be supporting the environment and promoting a love of nature – all while having fun!

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