Guided Meditation for Kids: Rainbow Visualization for Positive Energy

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Looking for a fun and effective way to help your child develop a positive outlook on life? Check out our guide to the Rainbow Visualization technique!

Meditation is a powerful tool for promoting positive mental and emotional health in children. Guided meditation, in particular, can help kids relax, focus, and manage their emotions.

Ready to grab your kids meditation now? Click here for this Rainbow Visualization for Positive Energy Guided Meditation for Kids Packet!

One technique that can be highly effective is the Rainbow Visualization meditation. By guiding kids through a visualization of a rainbow and its colors, we can help them tap into positive emotions and qualities.

But how can you make this practice work for you and your child?

In this post, we’ve got you covered with tips and resources that parents, educators, and therapists can use to make meditation a regular part of their daily routines with kids. So let’s get started!

The Science Behind Guided Meditation for Kids

Research has shown that meditation can have numerous benefits for children’s mental and emotional health. Meditation can help reduce stress and anxiety, improve focus and attention, and promote a positive mindset. Additionally, meditation can enhance self-awareness, which can help children better understand and regulate their emotions.

The Rainbow Visualization technique is a form of guided meditation that encourages kids to visualize a rainbow and use its colors as a tool for promoting positivity and resilience. By focusing on the colors of the rainbow and repeating positive affirmations, kids can cultivate a sense of calm and positivity.

Rainbow Visualization for Positive Energy Script

Let’s take a closer look at how to guide children through this practice. We’ll walk you through a step-by-step script that you can use to lead kids through the meditation, with suggested affirmations and tips along the way.

So find a comfortable seat or space, take a few deep breaths, and get ready to guide your child through a rainbow of positive energy!

Kids Meditation: Rainbow Visualization for Positive Energy Script:


I’m so happy you’re here to join me for this guided meditation. Today, we’re going to practice a special technique called visualization. This means that we’ll use our imaginations to create a calming and positive image in our minds.

Do you know what a rainbow is? It’s a beautiful natural phenomenon that happens when sunlight and water droplets come together in the sky. Rainbows have seven different colors: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet.

In this meditation, each color of the rainbow is associated with a different emotion. For example, red represents love and happiness, orange stands for creativity and joy, yellow symbolizes confidence.

We will explore these inner emotions by using our imagination to visualize a rainbow in front of us. We will focus on each color and connect with the positive emotion that it represents. By doing this, we can fill ourselves up with positive energy and feel more relaxed and happy.

I want you to find a comfortable place to sit or lie down, somewhere you won’t be disturbed for the next few minutes. Make sure you feel relaxed and at ease.

When you’re ready, take a deep breath in through your nose, filling up your lungs, and then slowly exhale through your mouth. Let’s do this two more times. 

Inhale deeply,  [pause]

and exhale slowly. [pause]

One more time, 

inhale, [pause]

and exhale. [pause]

Now, I want you to close your eyes, or if you prefer, you can keep them open and look down at the floor. Take another deep breath in, and as you exhale, allow yourself to sink deeper into relaxation. [pause]

As we begin our meditation, thoughts and worries may come up in your mind. That’s okay. 

Just acknowledge them, and then let them go. Imagine putting them on a little cloud that floats away from you. You can come back to those thoughts later, but for now, let’s focus on our breathing and our visualization.

Take a moment to feel your body and notice any areas of tension or discomfort. If you’re feeling any discomfort, gently adjust your position to find more comfort. Wiggle your fingers and toes a bit, roll your shoulders, or stretch your neck.

Now, bring your attention back to your breathing. 

Inhale deeply, [pause]

and exhale slowly. [pause]

Keep breathing at a steady, relaxed pace. [pause]

Now imagine a beautiful rainbow appearing in front of you, peeking out from behind big white fluffy clouds. This stunning rainbow is arching gracefully across a vast blue sky. You can see the curvature of the rainbow as it arcs from one end to the other, almost as if it’s a bridge connecting the earth and the sky.

The white fluffy clouds are scattered around the sky, and the sun is shining down, casting a warm and gentle glow over you. 

You can feel the warmth of the sun on your face. 

The air feels fresh and invigorating, and you can feel a soft breeze brushing against your skin, carrying the sweet scent of blooming flowers.

As you focus your attention on the rainbow, you can see each of its colors shining brilliantly. 

Take a moment to soak in this beautiful and magical scene, feeling grateful for the gift of nature and the wonder of life.

As you’re focusing on the beautiful rainbow, you see the color red. As you look at the red on the rainbow you can feel the warmth spreading through your body. 

You can feel your heart filling up with love and happiness, just like when you’re spending time with your family or friends. 

Take a deep breath in, [pause]

and as you exhale, feel that love and happiness spreading throughout your body. [pause]

You might feel a smile forming on your face, or a warm sensation in your chest. That’s the power of the color red, it can fill you up with positive energy and make you feel happy inside.

Your attention now turns to the color orange on the rainbow, and you feel it’s warm and vibrant energy calling out to you.  As you look at the orange on the rainbow, you can feel a burst of creativity and joy bubbling up inside you. 

Imagine that you’re painting a picture or building a tower out of blocks, and you feel excited and inspired to create something new. 

Take a deep breath in, [pause]

and as you exhale, feel that creativity and joy spreading throughout your body. [pause]

You might feel your fingers tingle or your body feel light and energetic. That’s the power of the color orange, it can fill you up with positive energy and make you feel excited to explore your creative side.

As your eyes follow the rainbow to the color yellow, you feel a warm and bright energy radiating from it, filling you with confidence and hope. 

Imagine that you’re about to take on a challenge, like speaking in front of a big group or trying a new sport, and you feel strong and capable. 

Take a deep breath in, [pause]

and as you exhale, feel that confidence and hope spreading throughout your body. [pause]

You might feel a sense of empowerment or a burst of energy in your chest. That’s the power of the color yellow, it can fill you up with positive energy and make you feel ready to take on anything.

As your eyes reach the color green on the rainbow, you feel a soothing and refreshing energy emanating from it, enveloping you with a sense of peace and harmony.

Imagine that you’re surrounded by nature, like a lush forest or a grassy meadow, and you feel calm and at ease. 

Take a deep breath in, [pause]

and as you exhale, feel that peace and harmony spreading throughout your body. [pause]

You might feel your shoulders relax or a gentle breeze blowing through your mind. That’s the power of the color green, it can fill you up with positive energy and make you feel grounded and tranquil.

Your gaze now settles on the color blue on the rainbow, and you can feel a sense of calmness and serenity spreading through you. 

Imagine that you’re near the ocean or a calm lake, and you feel relaxed and tranquil as you watch the water’s gentle ebb and flow. 

Take a deep breath in, [pause]

and as you exhale, feel that calmness and serenity spreading throughout your body. [pause]

You might feel your mind quieting or a sense of weightlessness in your limbs. That’s the power of the color blue, it can fill you up with positive energy and make you feel peaceful and at ease.

Next you notice the beautiful indigo color on the rainbow, you feel like you have a special superhero power that helps you think creatively and make great choices. It’s like you have a special superpower that helps you understand things and make good decisions. 

Imagine you’re in your favorite cozy spot, like a treehouse or a secret hideout, and you feel like you’re surrounded by a magical world full of adventure and possibilities. 

Take a deep breath in, [pause]

and as you exhale, feel that magic and wonder spreading throughout your body. [pause]

You might feel a spark of excitement in your heart or a tingle in your fingers. That’s the power of the color indigo, it can fill you up with positive energy and make you feel like anything is possible.

Lastly you see the beautiful violet color on the rainbow. It makes you feel like your imagination is waking up and you’re ready to create something special.

Imagine you’re in a magical world filled with unicorns, fairies, and dragons, where anything you can imagine can come true. 

Take a deep breath in, [pause]

and as you exhale, feel that imaginative energy filling up your body. [pause]

You might feel a tingling sensation in your toes or a fluttering feeling in your chest. That’s the power of the color violet, it can fill you up with positive energy and make you feel like you can create amazing things.

Fully immerse yourself in the rainbow. Allow yourself to experience all the positive emotions that each color represents. Imagine yourself surrounded by the vibrant colors of the rainbow, feeling their positive energy flowing through you.

When you’re ready, take one final deep breath in, [pause]

and as you exhale, feel all the positive emotions that the rainbow has brought you, filling up your body. [pause]

Remember that you can access these feelings anytime you want by simply picturing the rainbow in your mind.

When you’re ready to end the meditation, slowly open your eyes and take a moment to come back to the present moment. Wiggle your fingers and toes, stretch your arms and legs, and take a few deep breaths. [pause]

I hope you enjoyed this rainbow visualization for positive energy. Remember to keep this positive energy with you as you go about your day, and always know that you have the power to create your own rainbow of positivity whenever you need it.


  • I am surrounded by love and happiness.
  • I am confident and full of hope.
  • I am at peace and in harmony with the world around me.
  • I am calm and serene.
  • I trust my intuition and feel connected to myself. 
  • I am creative and imaginative, full of magic.
  • I am filled with positive energy and good vibes.

Tips for Parents, Educators, and Therapists

Here are some tips for incorporating the Rainbow Visualization technique into your daily routine with kids:

  • Start with short meditations and gradually increase the time as kids become more comfortable with the practice.
  • Encourage kids to find a comfortable and quiet place to meditate.
  • Use the Rainbow Visualization technique as a tool for calming down during stressful or overwhelming situations.
  • Modify the script or affirmations to suit the needs and preferences of individual children.
  • For more tips on teaching kids how to meditate, make sure to read our in-depth guide for beginners.

Additional Resources:

You’re well on your way to making meditation a regular part of your child’s routine. Here are some additional resources that can help you implement this meditation into your child’s routine:

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