How to Dye Navy Beans for Sensory Play

How to Color Rainbow Navy Beans for Sensory Play

Do you remember reading Jack and the Beanstalk as a child? I was always slightly envious of Jack for getting to go on such a great adventure. This week the magic of Jack and the Beanstalk has captured my children’s imaginations and they have had so much fun bringing the pages of that book to … Read more

How to Dye Rainbow Spaghetti for Sensory Play

This is by far the best method I have found on How to Dye Rainbow Spaghetti for sensory play!

Using spaghetti for sensory play is a fun way to create a super easy sensory bins. Whenever we dye spaghetti and use it as a filler in our sensory bins the play is focused on the actual experience over the toys included. It is just that fun! While this method is messy and will stain your hands, it is the easiest way I have discovered on How to Dye Rainbow Spaghetti for Sensory Play.

This is by far the best method I have found on How to Dye Rainbow Spaghetti for sensory play!

While sensory spaghetti is easy and affordable it is also something that kids of all ages can enjoy together. There was a point during this activity that my 8-year-old, 3-year-old, and 9-month-old were all playing together and laughing. It was one of the most beautiful things to witness as a mom.

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Rainbow Clean Mud

Ever had your child soak a roll of toilet paper? Instead of throwing it away turn it into this super fun Rainbow Clean Mud!

Have you ever had a child soak a roll of toilet paper in the sink? It happens in my home all the time. Last night I was actually pulling soaking wet toilet paper out of the bath tub. Who does that?! Obviously my kids… Instead of tossing the wet toilet paper into the garbage can I set it aside to make this super fun Rainbow Clean Mud.

Ever had your child soak a roll of toilet paper? Instead of throwing it away turn it into this super fun Rainbow Clean Mud!

For my baby shower with my oldest child members of my Mom’s church gave me a notebook filled with their favorite activities to do with their children. We originally discovered this toddler mud recipe in that book and it has been one of our favorite messy play bins for almost eight years now!

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Rainbow Scented Rice

This Rainbow Rice doesn't use vinegar or rubbing alcohol -- it smells AMAZING!

My kids adore playing with rice sensory bins. It is by far one of their favorite quiet time activities. I love how simple it is…but I cannot stand the smell of rubbing alcohol or vinegar. The harshness of both give me a headache. I could not even imagine running my hands through it to play. So, a rainbow rice made without vinegar or rubbing alcohol was a must!

This Rainbow Rice doesn't use vinegar or rubbing alcohol -- it smells AMAZING!

We have tried a couple different solutions to be able to dye rice without either vinegar or rubbing alcohol. So far we have made glow in the dark sensory rice and have dyed rice using essential oils. This sensory rice though has by far been a favorite. Kids love the vibrant colors and the playful scents! And making it is ridiculously easy!

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Glow in the Dark Sensory Rice

This Glow in the Dark Sensory Rice is AMAZING!

Ever been in one of those situations where you need your kids preoccupied safely so you can work? I have and that is how this fun glow in the dark sensory rice idea was born 😉

This Glow in the Dark Sensory Rice is AMAZING!

So, we have now been here for seven months and I am still unpacking. I don’t think it has ever taken me this long to get my life organized. It has been crazy. With the hubs working long hours during the day we decided to invest in some photography lights so that I could hang out with the kids and work on the house while he was at work and then go to my job at night.

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