The Day I Became a Bird ~ DIY Bird Wings for Kids

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Hi Friends! Katie here from @afriendlyaffair and I am so excited to dive into this wonderful new book from Kids Can Press! The Day I Became a Bird by Ingrid Chabbert and Guridi is due out September 6, and you need to be ready by the door on release day. It is a precious, honest, and inspiring little book about the kind of creativity and devotion that only love can inspire.

This DIY Bird Wings Craft for kids is absolutely adorable!

The book begins with a simple text and a seemingly unrelated graphite sketch; the picture of a wire frame presents itself with the words, “The day I started school, I fell in love.” My kiddo was enthralled and giggly from the get go, and I was hooked. As we move deeper into the story, the wireframe becomes an outrageous bird costume, and the words reveal a desperate first love. Beckoning for the attention of his crush (who is an avid bird lover), we discover that our little hero is crafting something critical. The mystery is unveiled on page six, “Sylvia…All I see is her. But she doesn’t see me,” and so for the first time, he dons the bird suit.

Unabashed and unrefrained, our romance continues all the way to its lovely conclusion: “I am not a bird anymore, but I feel like I’m flying.” Eek! Did our hero fall in love or did we?!

This DIY Bird Wings Craft for kids is absolutely adorable!

Go ahead, add this book to your pre-order list, but while you wait…get ready and gather your supplies. You may read it twice, you may read it thrice, but you definitely, DEFINITELY won’t get through it a fourth time without your child insisting, with glory in their eyes and determination in their heart, that they too, are ready to become a bird.

DIY Bird Wings Kids Craft

Items Needed:

  1. Craft paper – or any kind of paper. I used brown craft paper and it was perfect.
  2. Paints and brushes
  3. A sheet of poster board
  4. A ribbon or string
  5. Glue, Scissors, Pencil

This DIY Bird Wings Craft for kids is absolutely adorable!


First things first: Painting your feathers! We rolled out about ten feet of brown craft paper and let my 3 yo go to town. What freedom to have such a big canvas and no restrictions! We kept coming back to it all day. For great wings, I think more color is better, but you and your kid might be able to discern something totally impressive (glitter, stickers, stamps, oh my). Have fun!

This DIY Bird Wings Craft for kids is absolutely adorable!

Once the paper is painted, fold the paper multiple times (think accordion) and cut on the folds. That way, all you have to do is cut down the creases and you’ll have several strips of feathers. You can leave your feathers flat. My daughter and I crinkled them by grabbing handfuls of paper strips for a little curl.

This DIY Bird Wings Craft for kids is absolutely adorable!

While the paints are out, go ahead and paint your poster board and prepare to affix your strips of feathers. We painted ours, but its up to you…I am not sure it made a big impact on the end product. But seriously…if your kid loves painting, why not? I measured my daughter’s arm, added a few inches in length, and cut an oblong, pointed wing shape.

This DIY Bird Wings Craft for kids is absolutely adorable!

I grabbed some old wrapping ribbon and ran a loop around her arm and around where her hand will be (there is a pic of the underside below). This seems better than say, the wrist. Looping at the hand meant she could really grab a hold and flap, flap, FLAP!

This DIY Bird Wings Craft for kids is absolutely adorable!

We then glued our strips of feathers to the painted side of our wings. Should we have glued them to the unpainted side? Maybe.

This DIY Bird Wings Craft for kids is absolutely adorable!

This DIY Bird Wings Craft for kids is absolutely adorable!

The next step is important. Maybe the most crucial part. While you wait for the glue to dry, you HAVE to read the book two more times. Maybe you can even find some other awesome bird books to read (you’re welcome to suggest your favorites in the comments).

This DIY Bird Wings Craft for kids is absolutely adorable!

Once you have read the book three times, go to Instagram @afriendlyaffair & @parenting_chaos to follow us for more rad content. Have you done all that? Then I bet your glue is dry (FINALLY) — Put on your wings and FLY!!! (It helps if you sing that like Freddy Mercury). 

This DIY Bird Wings Craft for kids is absolutely adorable!

If you enjoyed this craft and are always looking for more ways to go beyond the pages, follow me @afriendlyaffair or check my website As a freelance copywriter and psychologist, the best way to stay privy to all the crafts and expert tips I publish is through my newsletter. Sign up here and you’ll get my articles right to your inbox, as they are published. It has been a pleasure!

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This DIY Bird Wings Craft for kids is absolutely adorable!


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