Even and Odd Number Hop

Even and Odd Number Hop Game

This last week has been filled with tears as Livia has worked her way through her homework. And when asked how her day at school went the response was always somewhere along the lines of, “Oh, it went well but I hate math.” One of the ways that Livia stims is through humming and even at times Opera singing. So, the day she came home and admitted to getting in trouble during math class for “warming up her vocal cords” I knew it was time to find a way to make math fun and help some of the concepts she was struggling with concrete themselves in her mind. This Even and Odd Number Hop Game was a solution to our math problem.

Even and Odd Number Hop Game

With Livia she was able to identify even and odd numbers up to 10. The minute we got up to 11, 12, 13…she would begin to scramble and stim. The key to creating a memory is attention; being able to focus on the sensory input long enough to make a working memory (and eventually a semantic memory).

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Farm Sensory Math Game: Tilling for Numbers

Farm Sensory Math Game: Tilling for Numbers

Farm Sensory Math Game: Your kids are bound to love this simple sensory math game that will have them digging for numbers while learning basic farming terms and concepts!

Farm Sensory Math Game: Tilling for Numbers

Recently we were sent two books (Casey & Friends A Year on the Farm and Big Tractors) and a friendly red tractor for review. Meatball is all about everything trucks, tractors, or trains right now so this was right up our alley!

After exploring the books (which we loved) we went browsing around Pinterest looking for some inspiration on how to tie the book A Year on the Farm into our daily activity.

A Year on the Farm Casey and Friends Book

What we found was this awesome Chocolate Play Dough Recipe from the Imagination Tree that with some modifications to fit our theme turned into hours of fun!

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FREE Printable Valentine’s Day Number Mats

FREE Printable Valentine's Day Number Mats {1-10}

These brand new Valentine’s Day 1-10 Number Mats take a Valentine’s Day twist on numbers. It’s a fun way to help kids practice writing and counting the numbers one to ten. Grab your free copy below!

FREE Printable Valentine's Day Number Mats {1-10}

Printable Valentine’s Day Number Mats Prep:

Prepping this activity is extremely easy. Print the number book {use card stock to make it extra sturdy}. Then either laminate the pages, throw them into a sleeve, or even use a photo album {dollar general typically has ones that work great for cheap}!

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Alligator Math: Equal, Less, and Greater Than Math Game

Alligator Math: Equal, Less, and Greater Than Math Game

I received this product for the purpose of this review. Opinions given are 100% my own. The Equal, Less, and Greater than math activity is one that can be used for a number of different levels. It can be a fun way to refresh knowledge before the beginning of the school year, and it works … Read more